New England Studios broke ground during the summer of 2012 for construction of a series of sound studios where film crews will be able to shoot movies and television shows. The project is being built at Devens, Mass. on the site of a former military base. The project is envisioned to “bring Hollywood to Massachusetts” while providing 800 to 1,000 jobs to the local area.
The four sound studios measure 120’ x 150’ each. Bowstring Trusses span the 120’ and are designed to carry the roof loads as well as the ceiling loads, catwalks, lighting, etc.. Western Wood Structures designed and supplied the Glulam trusses and framing system. The trusses were fabricated and trial assembled in the shop and shipped to the site partially assembled. It took 19 long haul trucks to transport the trusses across the country.

Once the trusses were off loaded at the site they were assembled in their upright positions and lifted into place with a large crane fully assembled. They measure 120’ in length and have a 16’-6’ width.
The trusses were manufactured from Douglas fir Glulam and weigh ~ 34,000 lbs each including steel connectors when fully assembled.
The catwalks are being installed just after the massive trusses have been set.